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Shwachman-Diamond America awards grants up to $10,000 for Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome Research. Some larger grants are also available through this 501 (c) 3 non-profit group. Shwachman-Diamond America not only supports Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome research, but it also supports Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome Education.

Shwachman-Diamond America's Mission:

  • Fund and promote research in all aspects of SDS.
  • Disseminate current medical literature to families and physicians.
  • Help fund the biennial International Congress on SDS.
  • Facilitate the development of a medical management plan.
  • Promote parent education through a family support network.

If you are a researcher and are interested in submitting a grant proposal for an Alex Turnquist Memorial Research Grant, the following are the guidelines:

Shwachman-Diamond America awards Alex Turnquist Memorial Research grants up to $10,000. Grant proposals are accepted throughout the year. SDA does not have a grant request form.

Shwachman-Diamond America requires that the grant proposal be in writing and include the following:
  1. Name of Applicant, Principal investigator, project title and summary of proposed investigation (include specific aims, significance and background, any preliminary studies...)
  2. A detailed description of your hypothesis/hypotheses and proposed methodologies
  3. Relevance of the research to Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome
  4. Biographical information on the principal investigator and co-principal investigator, if relevant
  5. A detailed budget sheet (grants are available up to $10,000)
  6. Statement of facilities available
  7. A starting date for the project

General Conditions for the Awarding of Alex Turnquist Memorial Research Grants:
  1. The board wishes to receive periodic progress reports. They need not be lengthy. These reports will help Shwachman-Diamond America give updates to our donors, allow evaluation of progress by our medical advisor and assist SDA in future fundraising efforts.
  2. Any publications distributed as a result of your research should give proper reference to Shwachman-Diamond America.

You can submit a grant proposal by emailing the Word or PDF file to: shwachmandiamondamerica@embarqmail.com or via regular mail:

Shwachman-Diamond America

931-B South Main Street #332

Kernersville, NC 27284

If you need more information, you can visit the Shwachman-Diamond America website or contact Pattie Curran at 336-423-8158.

What is Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome?

Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome (SDS), first described in 1964, is a rare, genetic (autosomal recessive), multi-systemic disorder affecting the pancreas, bone marrow, and skeleton. The most common symptoms are pancreatic dysfunction (malabsorption), low neutrophil count and short stature. Other organs may also be involved in some SDS patients. Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome affects people differently and not all people with SDS have all of these symptoms. In Infancy, the first symptoms are usually loose, foul smelling, greasy stools and failure to gain weight and grow normally. The pancreas fails to produce the enzymes essential to digest food properly. Because of the exocrine pancreatic dysfunction (malabsorption), the child does not absorb enough nutrients, most commonly the fat-soluble vitamins, to grow and develop normally. Oral enzyme replacement therapy helps these children to digest their food, but many still need to take special vitamin supplements. Improving nutritional status does not necessarily improve the growth of children with Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome.

The bone marrow, where blood cells are produced, is also affected in Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome. White blood cells, which fight infection, are most commonly affected. Neutropenia is the most common hematological abnormality in SDS, though all blood cell lines may be affected. Anemia and blood clotting problems are also common in SDS patients. Because of the bone marrow dysfunction, these children are at a greater risk of developing life-threatening infections. Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome is considered to be a bone marrow failure syndrome, because up to 30% of these children will develop leukemia or aplastic anemia.

Reference research: research Dr. and computer research and general research and my social page

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You might be overwhelmed on how to research information for your book. It may be difficult in the beginning to know where to start at or even how to gather information. How to research information for your book is quite simple when you follow some steps. You need to write down a list of all of certain information that you want to be included in your book. Here are five tips on how to research information for your book.

1.Talk to experts. Make sure to put experts on that list to get information from. You want to be able to quote information and check facts with experts. Experts will add more value to the information in your book and also provide you with additional information. They are also great to get to know since you can learn more information from them. You want to write down their names correctly.

2.Get a tape recorder. You want to get a tape recorder when asking experts questions. The tape recorder will help you later on when you putting the information together in your book. It is also important to take notes while talking to the experts, but the tape recorder will help you pick up any information that you may have missed due to the person talking too fast or not being able to write fast enough.

3.Get a digital camera. You want a digital camera to take pictures for your book. A digital camera with pictures also may be able to help you describe something in your book better depending upon what topic your book is about. They are nice to have a picture to look at in order to put words regarding the picture.

4.Go to the library in your city. The library is the perfect way to get information regarding the topic of your book. You can also check current old and new information this way. Your library might be also to order a book for you if you can't find it in the library. Library is a great source to get allot of information for free without having to buy a ton of books. A library usually offers Internet access for free to find additional information. Make sure to check out the college library in your local area too. One thing that is great about a library is that they usually have old copies of newspapers.

5.Talk to neighbors and other people. Depending upon the topic of your book you can learn quite a bit of information from neighbors and other people. People will be glad to tell you information for free just to be able to see their name in your book. If you any people that are professionals in a certain field that you can use that opportunity to talk to them.

When gathering information then please make sure to keep it organized so you can keep track of it better. It may help to have file folders to keep everything separated so it doesn't get all mixed up. Out of all the information in your book the experts are the most important of it all. The experts makes your book hold more weight as far as being more accurate and also contains more knowledge so it is even more helpful to others.

Reference research: research Dr. and home research and sport research and my bookmark page


research topics

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Today's educators are bombarded with information from all sides about the latest and greatest research-based instructional techniques in teaching. With all these crazes about instructional methods and the confusion about which one really works and which one is a dud, no wonder our teachers are so exhausted! As charming and inspirational as all these latest claims and success stories seem to be, educators need to be careful when choosing and implementing a new or old "miracle" instruction method. There are things a teacher needs to do before making any big changes to their curriculum and instruction.

First things first, what supporting evidence is there? Educators need to use their resources wisely and take all initial information with skepticism. Before actually outright backing the "amazing" new research supporting a particular method, whether it be Indirect Instruction, Cooperative learning, etc..., educators must do their research. Talk to colleagues, look the strategy up online, check out education magazines and journals, and any other resource material available. Find out what evidence there is out there to support the research-based strategy. Furthermore, make sure the sources you are calling upon for information are reliable. Reliable sources offer reliable evidence, so seek out unbiased, professional resources. Weigh pros and cons, consistencies and inconsistencies, before making a decision on the strategy at hand.

After thorough research has been done, the next important question is: "How should the research-based program be implemented?" And "What methods does the research show to be most advantageous?" These questions' answers would most probably appear in your research since it was suppose to be incredibly thorough. If not, you'll want to look it up. Many teachers forget this step, and as Grassen states in the article "What Does It Mean To Be a Research-Based Profession" teachers simply aren't properly implementing research-based strategies are thus losing out on potential benefits of the programs. "Cooperative learning was designed to complement teacher-directed instruction by providing further opportunity for students to work together using what they have learned. In most schools today, cooperative learning is used to replace teacher-directed instruction and students are expected to construct their own knowledge working in groups." (N.d). Clearly, teachers need to put a great deal of thought into this step as improper implementation of the program can have catastrophic consequences on learners.

Read up on each research-based method, decide what sorts of lessons would benefit from their use, and which wouldn't. Talk to colleagues about what methods they use in the classroom, why, and how they implement them. Most of all, be aware of comparisons being drawn between different research-based strategies. Look for comparative studies as opposed to non-comparative studies. Comparative studies are more likely to give you accuracy in research. Educators need to look at the whole picture. How is class A using strategy A performing compared to class B using strategy B? How do these same classes perform after trading strategies? How is school A using strategy A performing compared to school B using strategy B? And so on...

Lastly, before implementing any research-based strategy, an educator should ask themselves "Am I biased?" Be sure to be honest with yourself. Try to go into deliberation with an open and unbiased mind. Take into account all reliable sources whether they are in-line with your initial beliefs or opinions on the strategy or not. Remain unbiased until the end. Your openness and willingness to learn can determine the accuracy of your research.

There are a great many research-based programs out there and being implemented everyday. Many of them just don't have the proper supporting research for an educator, especially a new and inexperienced one, to simply throw their weight behind. Don't ask your students to do homework without doing your own. Research your methods before putting them into practice. Find out what's behind them, what's supporting them, and how they should be used to the biggest advantage in the classroom. Without such information your newest instructional plan could be a huge failure. Don't follow fads and trends, look for rock solid evidence and implementation methods before making that big leap of bringing it into your classroom.


Grossen, B. (n.d). What Does It Mean To Be a Research-Based Profession? Retrieved March 8, 2007, from University of Oregon, Eugene Website: http://darkwing.uoregon.edu

Northwest Regional Education Laboratory. (2005). Research-Based Strategies. Retrieved March 5, 2007 from, Focus on Effectiveness Web site: http://www.netc.org/focus/strategies/

Reference research: finance research and health research and travel research and my bookmark page

Today Discussion

A degree without an accreditation will be of no use.

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Blogging at the Crossroads by Unknown Source

I ran in to some difficulty the other day when attempting to set up my GoDaddy domain for Blogger. The instructions on the Blogger website will not allow you to set up your domain for Blogger but a subdomain. This of course is frustrating for those of us that would like to use our actual domain for Blogger.

After some tinkering, I came up with a solution. Here's how you can set up your GoDaddy domain for Blogger:

First, sign in to your GoDaddy account. Next, click on "Domains" and then "My Domains". Next click on "Total DNS Control and MX Records". Find "www" listed under "Host" and click on the edit button for it. You should now get a prompt asking you if you're sure you want to edit it. Click "Ok". Change the "points to host name" to "ghs.google.com". Now click "Ok". You should now be back at the "My Domains" screen. You've just changed "www.yourdomain.com" to point to your Blogger account instead of what ever option you have set in GoDaddy.

Now click on the "Domains" tab. Click on the link that says forwarding is disabled. We will need to change this so that when people type in "yourdomain.com" they get "www.yourdomain.com" since that is the address your Blogger account will be located at. Put a check next to "Enable Forwarding", then type "www.yourdomain.com" in the field below it. Make sure that you select "Moved Permanently" as the redirect type. Now click "Ok".

Go to your Blogger account and sign in to your dashboard. Click on the link that says "Settings" next to your blog. Next, click on the "Publishing" tab. Now click on the link that says "Custom Domain". Next to "Your Domain", type in "www.yourdomain.com". Leave the redirect box unchecked. Fill in the captcha, then click "Save".

It may take a few minutes for your blog to start working from your GoDaddy domain. Once it does you should be able to get to it from either "yourdomain.com" or "www.yourdomain.com".

If you get the message that another blog is already hosted at your domain address, go to this custom domain form and type in your domain address. It will take up to 48 hours for the change to occur, but once it does you should be able to successfully save your domain in Blogger.

Source article: free blog headers and online blogging classes and online blogging and Online Blogging and Weblog Php

research proposal

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Alternative energy research in universities or with university and corporate partnerships has been very effective. Decades of biomass and tree research conducted together by Florida State University and Shell Energy corporation have resulted in the planting of the vastest "Energy Crop Plantation" in all of the US. Through alternative energy research on the university level, a plantation has been created that spans about 130 acres while being home to more than 250,000 planted trees including eucalyptus (which are non-invasive) and cottonwoods (native to the area) along with various row crops such as soybeans. This bringing together of "super trees" happened as a result of the University's alternative energy research with other parties including Shell, the Common Purpose Institute, US Department of Energy, and groups of sundry individuals who are interested in alternative energy research into energy sources that are not dependent on fossil fuels for our civilization's future. Alternative energy research undertaken by the University is focused on the creation of of biomass energy supplies from rapid-growth crops which is called "closed loop biomass" or just "energy crops". The research looks for ways to develop "power plants" like wood-fiber or wood-pulp providing plants; clean biogas for industries to use; plants like surgarcane that can be used for the development of ethanol; and crops like soybeans for use in biodiesel fuel production.

University involvement in alternative energy research also has a place at Penn State University. The alternative energy research here is focused on the development of hydrogen power, which is envisioned by many as one of the most practical alternative energy sources. Those who are doing this research at Penn State University believe that civilization is moving toward an economy that will be based on hydrogen fuel because of the need to reduce air polluting emissions while finding alternative sources of energy to that of petroleum to drive the engine of the United States. Hydrogen energy is clean burning and it can be endlessly renewed due to the fac that it can be taken up from water and crop plants. Hydrogen power is looked to as a sustainable energy resource and one that can be uncovered within the United States' infrastructure as the world's supply of affordable oil reaches its peak and then declines, driving up its cost. The University through its alternative energy research desire to further the commercial development of hydrogen powered fuel cells. These would be usable in conjunction with or in place of combustion engines to power our vehicles.

Not too long ago, President Bush announced his alternative energy initiative. He determined that the federal government would create five "Sun Grant" centers for concentrated alternative energy research. Oregon State University was honored by being made one of these centers. OSU has been allocated government grants of $2 million for each of the next four years so that it can pursue its alternative energy research. The Univeristy will be the leading center for researching alternative energy while it symbolizes the energy interests of the Pacific Islands, the United States' Pacific Territories, and nine western states. University President Edward Ray says, "The research being conducted through OSU's Sun Grant center will contribute directly to our meeting President Bush's challenge for energy independence." Those projects concerning alternative energy that the University's various teams of scientists are pursuing include figuring out how to efficiently convert organic materials like straw into sources for renewable biomass fuels and the study of how to efficiently get liquid fuel from wood fibers.

Reference research: beauty research and health research and general research and recent update

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